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Job Description

Field Campaign Manager  

Poliarc Media

Jobs For Freshers

Paid-Fixed-Range- 12000 - 15000 Monthly



Listed On Apply By
26/07/2024 20/08/2024
Work Start Duration
On 26/07 NA
Apply Now

Position Profile

Position Type

Jobs For Freshers

Functional Area


Position Duration


Workplace Type

Field Work

Time Commitment

Full Time

Location of Work

Delhi (1)

  • Job Role

    Location: Dwarka Mor, New Delhi

    Qualification: Graduate with good communication skills.

Position Rewards

  • Position Financial Rewards

    Paid-Fixed-Range 12000 - 15000 Monthly

Required Candidate Profile

  • Education Level

    Under Graduate/Post School (Degree Course(s))

  • Gender


Important Information

Work Start Date

On 26/07

Apply By


  • Number of Positions

    Delhi : 1

Assessment Questions

  • Subjective Questions

    Q 1 Are you available to join the Jobs For Freshers Position on the specified date. If not please advise your availability ?